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Atmi Kristiadewi

Putu Edy Asmara was born in the village of Tampaksiring Bali, April, 5th 1982. he has completed his art education at the Indonesia Institute of Art Denpasar. now full life is done to art. and he is a young artist with great talent so he is able to earn several awards and also has exhibited in international events.


Edy's edited artwork is about a digestive playing of imagination from every experience, as well as on matters related to mythology, Spirituality and the culture of his community. his imagination game is very beautiful, as if he created a new world in anatara paintings and other works of art that he created, so that everyone who saw his works will be brought into the space of his imagination Putu Edy.

"Dialogue", Instalation Art by Putu Edy Asmara


Ni Komang Atmi Kristiadewi Born in Denpasar,  Juni, 24th1990. She attended art education at SMSR (SMKN 1 Sukawati), graduated in 2008. Then continued his education to IKIP PGRI BALI and still majored in Fine Arts. 2013 Continue Education to Master of Art in Indonesian Institute of Art Denpasar with majoring in Art Creation.

Ni Komang Atmi Kristiadewi prefers to play with the nuances of the children, the artwork she creates is very show of joy. the naive style he chooses makes him free to express his ideas as well as a child who likes to play on canvas. mastery of techniques in painting so well that the painting she created becomes very unique, detailed, and complicated.


In addition to painting, Atmi also likes to make sculptures made from recycled paper and other recyclables also occasionally play in the art of installation.

this female artist is very skilled in processing his creative ideas, so that she became very unique and began ogled by collectors in Indonesia. his performance is also very good so as to be able to bring his works exhibited in international events.

 Putu Edy Asmara

Tittle : Pergi ke Bulan, 130 x 150 cm, Acrylic on Canvas, 2016

Tittle : Kura-Kura dalam Cerita,

100 x 130 cm, Acrylic on canvas, 2016

Atmi Kristiadewi with the the Art Work

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